Hyperchain CTO Delivers Speech of Smart Contract Technology in Enterprise Applications on College Education Summit

17th, April, Shanghai, the 2021 College Interdisciplinary Development Summit, directed by Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance(SAIF), Block Chain Professional Committee of China Mobile Communications Association and the Alliance of Emerging Engineering Education for information technologies.

Sponsored by Engineering Technical Research Center of Smart Finance of Shanghai, Shanghai Social Cost Research Society of Shanghai JiaoTong University, the Commission of Teaching Instruction of Vocational Universities and Colleges of Shanghai, has hold successfully joined by several hundreds of industrial professionals, scholars from universities and colleges. Ideas and experience of china blockchain professional training and faculty education are actively shared and discussed during the session.Hyperchain CTO, Mr. Chen Guangyu, has been invited to deliver a key note speech on Smart Contract Technology in Blockchain Industrial Application during the session. He shared an overview on popular smart contract technologies and the experience of applying these technology in blockchain enterprise applications from Hyperchain Inc. Provide audiences with practical experience of how smart contract working with enterprise and got warmly feedback from scholars and professionals on the scene.





media link  https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/1PS0O0URPNgJvCe-x-P-lQ